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Recent Reviews

Roseane Barbosa - , FLAugust 13, 2018

Para quem gosta de uma comida mais saudável e natural pode encontrar nesse local. Não há muita variedade, mas os pratos são bem caprichados.

Acazenav - , FLJuly 29, 2018

Very natural, reasonable prices!

Norah Borrero - , FLJuly 09, 2018

It's a cosy place to have a healthy meal; either if it's breakfast or lunch -and I guess even dinner- since they close at 8 pm

The staff is very kind and customer oriented; the combos like the healthy classic panini is served on sizes that are small (for me was more than enough) but plenty enough to satisfy you.

The shakes are also amazing and very fulfilling in case you'd like to substitute a meal.

They offer delivery.

So far, I love them!

dneo6149 - , FLMay 20, 2018

Good , healthy, just pricey.

Linsayd Avila - , FLMay 16, 2018

Best place in doral ! The food is amazing, anything that you order is delicious. The service is fast costumer service is excellent. My favorite place for a quick breakfast, lunch or dinner.

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